
Southampton Solent University

Southampton Solent University

Our students have opportunities to work on real projects for external clients, both as part of their formal assessment and, in many cases, as a form of paid consultancy arranged by the University with employers and other organisations. Employment and enterprise are prominent themes shaping our thinking and educational practice. There are, for example, now 100 properly paid and supervised graduate internships provided by the University each year. It also offers 40 student business start ups annually, giving help throughout, from initial concept, building a business case, offering incubator space, and beyond to securing external financial backing.

If you are looking for a great place to live and learn, where academic excellence is enhanced by ‘real world’ learning experiences, or perhaps you are an employer who appreciates the practical benefits that higher education can bring to your business, then we think that Southampton Solent University will have a great deal that interests you.

Use the links on these pages to find out more about what we do and about what we offer to our students.

Formations diplômantes

Pas de formation professionnelle pour cette organisme.

Pas de formation LLM pour cette organisme.