Managing Partner(s)
Alain Steichen
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Alain Steichen, Partner

Publié jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Alain Stechen, Head of Tax

Specialities : 


  • Banking, Financial Services ;
  • Corporate, M&A ;
  • Private Equity ;
  • Private Wealth & Business Planning ;
  • Tax.
Selected experience : 

Thanks to his stellar 30-year track record, Alain STEICHEN has become an international lawyer and well-acclaimed expert in tax and corporate matters in Luxembourg.
He has been involved in numerous migrations of companies to Luxembourg and has advised on major domestic and international corporate restructurings, including pre-sale reorganisations and intra-group financings. Alain also advises on complex international and domestic recapitalisations, (de)mergers, acquisitions and sales of businesses, where he has vast experience in acting for banks and telecom solutions providers.
Alain has extensive experience in tax litigation, negotiation with revenue authorities and settlement of disputes. As such, he advises multi-nationals, financial institutions, corporates and high net worth individuals on a number of ongoing tax and VAT local and cross-border disputes. 
He also regularly advises on various European tax law questions with particular focus on EU State aid.
An Associate Professor at the University of Luxembourg in public finance, European tax, international tax and company taxation, he is the author of various books (15+) and articles on Luxembourg accounting, tax and company law.
Former réviseur d’entreprises, former expert comptable, Alain was the head of Tax at PWC Luxembourg until 1996.