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Pierre-Alexandre Degehet, Partner

Publié jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Pierre-Alexandre Degehet, Head of Corporate, M&A

Specialities :


  • Bank Lending, Structured Finance, Securitisation ;
  • Banking, Financial Services ;
  • Capital Markets ;
  • Corporate, M&A
Selected experience :

As Head of the Corporate M&A practice group, Pierre-Alexandre Degehet’s practice covers a broad spectrum of corporate and transactional matters with a particular focus on domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, public takeovers, corporate finance transactions, as well as securities law, regulatory and general commercial matters.
His credentials include strong experience in takeovers (hostile or friendly) for major financial institutions and industrial groups but also small and mid-cap companies, as well as joint ventures and strategic alliance.
Pierre-Alexandre regularly advises companies and their boards, as well as investors, on corporate governance issues, on legal and regulatory issues. He is particularly involved in shareholders’ meetings, contentious or not.
He also provides advice on Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) matters, specializing in multi-jurisdiction outsourcings and outsourcing in the financial services sector.
His last years’ involvement in capital market and financing transactions has enabled him to be recognized as a leading lawyer in Corporate and Banking & Finance law by major legal directories.
Before joining the firm, Pierre-Alexandre was senior legal counsel at Arcelor and advised on major financing and corporate restructurings.